Sunday, October 9, 2011



When I first started reading blogs I would enter EVERY giveaway I came across.  In fact Sew Mama Sew’s giveaway days is how I found out about a lot of blogs.  In fact in the beginning I won a couple things and it was fun.  As I continue to read blogs and try to keep my time on the internet limited to within reason I now only enter giveaways for something that I might use or know someone who might use them.

I couple months one of my favorite blogs. The Cottage Home had a giveaway for a photography book.  Mamarazzi.  Knowing that I had learned so little about my camera and my photos were still a hit or miss I or very mediocre at best I knew this was not one to pass on.  And guess what?!

photos 10-11 073

I won!!  This is a great book with a lot of great practical advice.  I read the whole book with in the week that I got it.  It talks about the exposure triangle in a way that I am beginning to grasp.  I am still having hits or misses but a few less mediocre pictures.  I think I need to read this book a few more times.  It does focus on taking photos of kids which is what I do most of the time but I am still struggling a little with taking photos of my “creations.”  Maybe any one who reads this could give me some feedback on my photos!?  Thanks Lindsay for a great giveaway.

Come on back because soon I will have a little bit more to say about…WinningSmile


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